"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority ... the Constitution was made to guard against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." - Noah Webster

"There is no worse tyranny than forcing a man to pay for what he does not want just because you think it would be good for him."
-- Robert A. Heinlein

Friday, December 13, 2013

Busy, busy, busy

I managed to finish the preface for Sons of Abraham.  Then I got about one page into the first chapter. 

Don't know how much re-write I'll have to do, even after publishing what I've got.

I wonder if I should work on the glossary before I go too much further.

A young student is so excited about what I've been teaching him about the Bible, that he has called as many of his friends who will come for a Bible study for me to teach.  It's like I have an agent.

I'm going to have to imbed links to some very interesting videos later on in the book.  I plan to publish the preface and first chapter and maybe number two by the end of December.  

I've also discovered that there are a bunch of posts that seem to be missing from this blog, or I'm having technical difficulties that I don't know how to resolve.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Please Stand by . . .

Remember when that used to happen with old broadcast television?  Back when there were just 2 or 3 channels on TV, and peoples lives didn't revolve around it?  Back when the whole family watched maybe an hour or two at the most, somewhere between 7 to 9 local time.  The only thing you would see on a black and white screen after midnight was a test pattern or "snow."

So, maybe it's a good thing for me not to be so concerned right now about checking the site meter and worrying about how many hits I'm getting, especially since I'm just trying to get a new life put back together in a totally new place.

I'm starting another blog because it needs to have an appropriate title and all the other amenities that go with the subject matter.  It's called Sons of Abraham.  The name comes from Luke 19:9

"Today salvation has come to this house because he too is a son of Abraham."

The blog is not up yet, because I have been away for almost two years and I need to re-learn how to do all the technical stuff about customizing the look and uploading stuff and I'm working in someone else's place, with their computer, until I get enough money to replace things.  I don't know how much more or less better off I am than Ann Barnhardt. 

I've lost everything of material value, yet I have become rich beyond measure through the process.  I'm wearing someone else's clothes.  Eating someone else's food.  Depending on other's generosity for all worldly things, yet, I get constantly reminded that The Father is providing it all. 

I may retain this blog only to have someplace to vent about worldly things and politics (redundant?).  But my passion has moved full bore into helping others find the One and Only Creator of the Universe.

Perhaps I shouldn't even try to compartmentalize through two blogs.  Obeying the Father is a 24/7 way of life that reaches into every nook and cranny of existence, or at least that's how it's SUPPOSED to work.   But I do figure that, for at least a few months, I'll have to maintain two blogs until people who have enjoyed my writing can transition to the other one and I have too much important stuff in the archives here.

Imagine having all, I mean ALL you possessions; computer, thumbdrives, hardcopy files, books, clothes, all legal documents, destroyed or disposed of for no good reason.  As though your whole past life never existed from that point on.

So, I have a lot, I mean a LOT of work to do.  Probably won't be able to post every day.  But as I recover, I hope that I will come back better and stronger than before, and that what you get from me from now on will be of more benefit than you ever thought possible, because it won't be really coming from me, but from the God of Abraham.


Friday, November 15, 2013

The 7 Month Hiatus is over

Well, I'm back.  Broken, bleeding, and sore.  But, I'm back.  It will most likely take weeks before I can start putting things together and start making sense of the shore that I've drifted up on.  Strange new territory.  New faces.  I'm exhausted.  I may ramble a little from time to time as I adjust to the new place.  Probably need to do a complete overhaul on the site.  Trash the name and come up with something more fitting, even though I feel worse than a compost pile right now.

I do, and I don't.  I'm relieved to be out in the free world again, but I have to rebuild everything from scratch.  My life was trashed.  I have nothing and I'm starting over.  Nothing makes you more immune to the judgments of others than rising up from ashes.

I probably need a different blog from this one anyway, since the revival of the Son of Abraham in me is going to need a place for true believers to come and commune, while the side that is less holy and needs to vent about worldly things will still need to come and experience some catharsis.

It's going to take a while for me to remember all the editing and html crap and whatnot.  But then, I hope that whatever audience I have comes here for the content and not for the glitz.

Be aware that everything I wrote in the last post has been confirmed even more by my 6 month plus absence.  Hopefully, I won't even be where I am now in the next three months or the next three weeks if I could have it my way.  But then, I am now a crazy Bible thumper for God. I'm going to start working on getting out of the US of A ASAP.  Maybe Belize, Costa Rica, Who knows.  But this is a sinking ship.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm coming back.  It may take a while to get back to feeling normal and posting as though I haven't been abused. But I'm coming back.

I walk the streets of Savannah and I take in the history and the scenery.  Yesterday, I stopped to talk to three young men from China.  Exchange students at SCAD  (Savannah College of Art and Design).  Wow.  What an experience.  In their amazingly good English, for those born in China, aged 21 to 24. 

They have been led to believe that they are getting more freedom in China.  But as we talked, and as I asked them about the things they were seeing all around them, did they still think they had real freedom in China?  They laughed.  They looked around nervously.  I asked about freedom of speech.  More of the same.  Then I talked about how I could speak blatantly that the asshole who currently resides in the big white mansion is a genuine communist and I was a bit more colorful with my language.

At that moment a man in a crisp white shirt and tie was walking through the park with a coffee from Starbucks and heard what I was saying.  He gave me a thumbs up and a "You got that right!" and kept walking.  The young men laughed. 

"You don't have that kind of freedom in China, do you?"

"Not at all."

All of this felt good.  We talked for about an hour.  I talked about real free enterprise and how the media had distorted what capitalism is.  They understood me.  I'm sure there was much more they wanted to say and to ask.  But a family of Chinese looking people walked into the park from the far end and everything suddenly got very awkward.  The looks of fear were pretty amazing and I just knew that it was time to walk away.  Don't know if there was anything to that or not.  Paranoia?  Who knows.  But I could see in the eyes of my new found friends that they were not about to risk finding out if they were doing something frowned upon.

I hope to get back to blogging and uploading pictures again.  I have a feeling that things are going to keep getting a lot more interesting.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I am in Savannah, GA

Never thought I'd be here.

It's been a strange trip getting here.

I love the song by Kenny Chesney:  Pirate Flag and an Island Girl.

I will get back to blogging in the next few weeks, I hope.  I have been rode hard and beaten hard and put out to pasture with the expectation of dying.  But that's the way the world sees me.

There is so much to say, and I'm exhausted.  Today is May 8, 2013, but I intend to keep coming back here and posting or re-editing this post until I get out what I need to get out.

Get something firmly fixed in your mind.

At any point, people can turn on you and seriously screw your life up beyond all recognition.  Yeah.   You. 

Think it can't happen? 

Think you are a fine, law-abiding, upstanding citizen?

Got nothing to hide?

Do you know anybody who is on psychotropic drugs?  Has feelings of persecution or mildly bipolar, or thinks they have various diseases that nobody understands?

Run now.  Take the nearest exit.